EU-Latin America Partnership on Raw Materials

Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay
EU / DG Grow, 2017 - 2023

The project EU-Latin America Partnership on Raw Materials promoted sustainable and responsible mining with the environment and the communities in order to achieve a fair, green and climate-neutral economy. It aimed to move one step further towards integrating strategic industrial value chains for both regions, exploring new business models and delivering value for society, while keeping high environmental and social standards at the core of this partnership.

The project was a continuation of the EU-Latin America Mining Exploration and Trade Show (METS2018) and the Mineral Development Network Platform (MDNP) – both developed by Projekt-Consult in a former project for the EU. The EU-Latin America Partnership on Raw Materials brought together multiple stakeholders in the non-energy extractive industries in the European Union and in participating Latin American countries Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay.

The main instrument to boost this cooperation was MDNP as a digital knowledge hub with validated information for EU and Latin American authorities, industry, business (including SMEs), academia, geological surveys and other relevant entities for the non-energy extractive industries, in the fields of technology, consulting services, infrastructure, investment, trade, training and skills, health and safety, good governance and other relevant areas of the mining value chain (from exploration to mining, rehabilitation and post-closure).

New means of communication have been made available online, and new tools developed for the sharing of knowledge between the two regions. In addition, the project organised a series of technical webinars and four high-level conferences (EU-Latin America Convention on Raw Materials: two virtual, one in Chile and one in Argentina) on the following topics:

  • Promoting EU – LATAM investments in sustainable raw materials value chains (Argentina)
  • Mineral Raw Materials for the Clean Energy Transition (Chile)
  • Policy developments towards sustainable mining
  • Requirements for a sustainable and responsible mining; Integration of raw materials value chains between the EU and Latin America (virtual)
  • Political and strategic developments in raw materials’ sustainable production; Sustainability and governance in the mining sector; Building raw materials value chain integration to deliver on a green and climate-neutral economy (virtual)

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  • 22359 Hamburg