Climate-Smart Mining Roadmap: Mauritania
In concert with the broader UN Sustainable Development Goals to ensure the de-carbonization of the mining and energy sectors, the Climate-Smart Mining (CSM) approach builds on the work the World Bank Group is doing to help ensure resource-rich developing countries benefit from their (critical) mineral resources. Climate-smart mining shall enable countries to manage their resources in a sustainable manner, while promoting economic growth and development and minimizing the environmental and climate footprint. In this context, the objective of this project is to (i) assess the potential for the adoption of CSM practices in Mauritania and (ii) inform the Mauritanian government’s efforts to review Mauritania’s mining policy, mining regulations, cadaster system and transition energy minerals and local transformation policy.
The project can be divided into two main tasks as follows:
Task 1: Reviewing the National Mining Strategy: The expert team will review the current draft of the National Mining Strategy for Mauritania and will assess it vis-à-vis relevant peer countries and international good practices. The revisions proposed will incorporate the main recommendations coming out of the Climate-smart Mining Roadmap.
Task 2: Climate-smart Mining Roadmap: The expert team will provide an overview of Mauritania’s challenges through a climate-smart mining lens and a snapshot of the potentials, key issues, risks, opportunities, and institutional and financial enablers for investments in CSM. It will also provide critical stocktaking of ongoing and promising practices, and a snapshot of the country’s readiness for implementation and entry points for CSM scale-up. Among others, the CSM roadmap will address the following key aspects: Key facts on mining and climate change on the national context; governmental institutions and policies facilitating CSM; voluntary initiatives and practices for the mainstreaming of CSM; and existing and potential sources of domestic and international financing for CSM.
For more information visit: Climate-Smart Mining: Minerals for Climate Action