Many countries lack an adequate legal and policy framework, strong institutions, or an enabling business environment to make society as a whole benefit from resource exploitation, e.g. through building linkages between capital-intensive mining investments and other local economic sectors.
Our Approach
Fostering responsible mining practices is the core field of work of Projekt-Consult. Since its foundation in 1979, Projekt-Consult has been implementing technical assistance projects in more than 80 countries with a variety of stakeholders such as ministries of mining, geological surveys, mining companies, and local mining associations, all involved in the extractive sector. As the absence of good mineral governance is a key issue in many of our project countries, Projekt-Consult has developed a comprehensive range of services for improvements in this field.
Our Services
Development of an adequate legal framework
Long term and sustained development of a formal artisanal and small-scale mining sector are only possible if an encouraging and fair legal framework for the ASM sector is enforced. Access to mining titles, to information and governmental services, as well as good governance are key issues in our projects.
Dissemination and communication of mining legal and regulatory framework
Artisanal miners are often not aware of their rights and obligations according to the mining legal and regulatory framework. The dissemination and communication of related information to the ASM sector has been an important part of a number of our ASM support projects.
Resource governance and support of responsible mineral extraction
Our company supports governments, donor agencies, and the private sector in the strategic outline of programs and measures to establish best practice with respect to traceability, accountability, social standards, labor conditions, occupational health and safety, and environment and community relations. Companies are supported to comply with national and international legal and ethical standards; this includes audits and support to certification processes.
Support and strengthening of mining sector institutions
In all projects, we work closely with agencies such as ministries, regional development offices, mining and environmental authorities, as well as non-governmental organizations; in doing so, the expertise and organisational ability of these agencies and their assumption of regulatory powers are improved so that they can independently supervise and carry out future programs. The establishment of decentralised structures and their support is a key focus.
Projekt-Consult GmbH
Phone: +49 40 60306 740
Fax: +49 40 603 06 759