Selected Projects

planetGOLD Bolivia: Enhancing the formalization and mercury reduction in artisanal and small-scale gold mining in the Plurinational State of Bolivia

Country: Bolivia
Duration: 2022-2027
Client: United Nations Industrial Development Organization - UNIDO

The fundamental objective of the project is to reduce the use of mercury in the ASGM sector in Bolivia. This will be achieved through applying a multisectoral approach encompassing regulatory reforms, technical support and by increasing access to finance for ASGM miners.


USAID Tierra Dorada

Country: Colombia
Duration: 2023-2027
Client: USAID

The project aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote biodiversity conservation, and foster socially and environmentally responsible ASM activities, thereby advancing USAID's goals to strengthen mining supply chains, alternative livelihood value chains, and regulatory efforts in alignment with the Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) for Colombia.


Swiss Better Gold Initiative

Country: Switzerland, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru
Duration: 2013-2025
Client: Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs / Swiss Better Gold Association

The Swiss Better Gold Initiative is an innovative Public-Private partnership between the Swiss government (SECO) and the Swiss Better Gold Association (SBGA) for setting-up integrated supply chains.


Assessment of Demand and Supply of Critical Minerals for Net-Zero Emissions in Indonesia by 2060

Country: Indonesia
Duration: 2024-2025
Client: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

The project promotes Indonesia's journey to net-zero emissions by 2060 by advancing the sustainable management of critical raw materials such as nickel and cobalt. It strengthens renewable energy and electric vehicle supply chains, encourages green innovation, and provides actionable strategies for responsible resource use. By aligning environmental, economic and social goals, the program aims to position Indonesia as a global leader in providing CRM for clean energy technologies.


Development of Ukraine's new Subsoil Code and support to the EU–Ukraine relationship in the area of Critical Raw Materials

Country: Ukraine
Duration: 2019-2024
Client: European Union

The overall objective of the project is to support the implementation of reforms in Ukraine’s subsoil use sector by harmonising and improving Ukraine’s subsoil legislation in line with the best practices of the EU Member States and where relevant in line with the EU acquis.


Mining Sector Development Project, Phase II: Preparation of a new subsoil law

Country: Uzbekistan
Duration: 2022-2024
Client: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

Global experience shows that the adoption of modern policies, laws to regulate the mining sector, robust policymaking and regulatory institutions are key steps in the successful attraction of investment and development of a responsible mining sector. The project is defined by capacity building on international best practices for ministry/committee/agency officials and other decision makers by subject matter advisors within the project team.


Study on ASGM Sector and responsible supply chains

Country: Burundi
Duration: 2023-2024
Client: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

The findings of the study produced by the project will be used to provide recommendations for the conceptualisation of a broader project to support the formalisation of ASM for gold (and possibly other minerals), responsible mining and processing practices and transparent marketing in Burundi and regionally.


Climate-Smart Mining Roadmap: Mauritania

Country: Mauritania
Duration: 2023-2024
Client: World Bank

The Climate-Smart Mining (CSM) approach builds on the work the World Bank Group is doing to help ensure resource-rich developing countries benefit from their (critical) mineral resources. Climate-smart mining shall enable countries to manage their resources in a sustainable manner, while promoting economic growth and development and minimizing the environmental and climate footprint.


Environmental and Social Monitoring of artisanal and semi-industrial mines

Country: Ivory Coast
Duration: 2023-2024
Client: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

The project's objectives encompass conducting a diagnostic/gap analysis study of the existing legal and practical framework for environmental and social auditing/registration in the mining sector. It aims to produce a simplified practical guide tailored for the artisanal and semi-industrial mining sub-sector.


Advisory Services for the Project Office for Geology, Mining and Metallurgy and Copper Processing Industry

Country: Uzbekistan
Duration: 2021-2023
Client: Project Office for Geology, Mining and Metallurgy and Copper Processing Industry under the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Projekt-Consult supports the long-term efforts of the Uzbek government to establish a new scientific and technological cluster for the production of copper and processed, semi-finished products with high added value in Uzbekistan.


Design and implementation of a strategy for the development of Nigeria’s gemstone and jewellery industry

Country: Nigeria
Duration: 2019-2023
Client: World Bank

Leading up to developing a national gemstone sector strategy, the project investigates the Nigerian gemstone industry and opportunities of energizing the market for locally produced gemstones and jewellery.


Methods for Assessment of planetGOLD Programme Outcomes

Country: Global
Duration: 2022-2023
Client: Global Environment Fund (GEF) via the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

Aiming at reducing and progressively eliminating mercury pollution from the ASGM sector, Projekt-Consult conducts an analysis of the project results data of each planetGOLD country project, in order to propose common methods for the calculation of the programme’s four key cross-programmatic indicators.


Remote sensing based tool for change analysis in mining regions

Country: DRC
Duration: 2022-2023
Client: German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR)

The focus of the project is on small-scale mining for cobalt, which is characterized more than other sectors by interference and violations of exploitation rights. The project will develop a methodology for training a change detection algorithm of defined classes and accuracy analysis on open source software, an extension of the detection tool and application testing in other regions as well as a concept for the detection of small scale gold mining.


Evaluation of the pollution and nuisance potential of mining activities on the receiving environments of the Boké region

Country: Guinea
Duration: 2022-2023
Client: UNDP

The objective of the project is to assess the pollution and nuisance potential of mining activities in the Boké region in order to better equip the authorities to make decisions for the effective implementation of environmental and social management plans.


EU-Latin America Partnership on Raw Materials

Country: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay
Duration: 2017-2023
Client: EU / DG Grow

The project EU-Latin America Partnership on Raw Materials promoted sustainable and responsible mining with the environment and the communities in order to achieve a fair, green and climate-neutral economy. It aimed to move one step further towards integrating strategic industrial value chains for both regions, exploring new business models and delivering value for society, while keeping high environmental and social standards at the core of this partnership.


Environmental Monitoring for the national control institutions in Haut-Katanga

Country: DRC
Duration: 2022-2023
Client: German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR)

The project aims to showcase the feasibility of environmental monitoring by institutions defined in the Mining Code, ensuring the provision of necessary resources. The project encompassed the development of a comprehensive training manual (covering four main modules: preparation, on-site inspection, data management, and communication) and the organization of theoretical and practical training, including field visits and sampling in different industrial mining companies near Lubumbashi.


Study on social sustainability in the supply chains of commercial vehicles and verification options in the context of public procurement processes

Country: Germany
Duration: 2022-2023
Client: Engagement Global gGmbH

The objective of the project is to generate comprehensive knowledge of sustainability and human rights in supply chains of municipal commercial vehicles.


Development of a strategic action plan for the European Partnership for Responsible Minerals (EPRM)

Country: Europe
Duration: 2022-2022
Client: European Partnership for Responsible Minerals (EPRM)

The European Partnership for Responsible Minerals was founded in 2016 as an accompanying measure to the EU Responsible Minerals Regulation, with the aim to foster the development of responsible supply chains for 3TGS minerals.


Amplifying the German criticality system for mineral resources (ÖkoRess 1-3 )

Country: Global
Duration: 2013-2022
Client: German Federal Environmental Agency (UBA)

The ÖkoRess project seeks to ensure that environmental aspects are given greater consideration in the supply of primary mineral raw materials.


Assessment of strategic and regulatory elements of the current ASM management practice

Country: Togo
Duration: 2019-2022
Client: World Bank

Projekt-Consult has recently commenced to support the Togolese Ministry of Mines and Energy in developing a sustainable and effective strategy for the management of its artisanal and small-scale mining sector.


Mining Sector Development Programme, Phase I: Policy Review and Scoping

Country: Uzbekistan
Duration: 2020-2022
Client: EBRD

The Project supported the Government of Uzbekistan in developing a responsible policy framework and modernizing the legislative and regulatory basis for the mining sector aiming to significantly reduce investor risk and enhance the investment climate


International Consultancy to develop a capacity development programme for civil society organizations

Country: Liberia
Duration: 2019-2022
Client: GIZ

The project aims at developing the capacities of CSOs in the Liberian mining sector and designing a collaborative governance framework for CSOs to support mining-affected communities through community-based monitoring (CBM) and global - local advocacy campaigning.


Auditing of ASM operations based on the Certified Trading Chain standard in DR Congo

Country: DR Congo
Duration: 2014-2021 (intermittently)
Client: Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR)

As a result of the Dodd-Frank Act ASM operations require recognized certificates to legally export 3T minerals out of the crisis-torn eastern Congo.


Indigenous peoples' rights in the mining sector - Lessons from Canada, Chile and Peru

Country: Chile, Peru
Duration: 2020-2021
Client: BGR

The right of indigenous peoples to prior consultation and the principle of free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) remain highly contested in Latin America. The objective of this study is to serve as information resource for State and industry stakeholders to know more about FPIC in the mining sectors in Canada, Chile and Peru.


Review of the Legal and Regulatory Framework for Environmental Management in the Nigerian mining sector

Country: Nigeria
Duration: 2019-2021
Client: World Bank

The Federal Government of Nigeria has embarked on an economic diversification campaign with the aim of leveraging on the Nation’s vast natural resources to diversify the economy from the oil and gas sector to achieve economic emancipation.


Development of Training Modules, Training and Coaching of Trainers for ASM Cooperatives

Country: DRC
Duration: 2020-2021
Client: GIZ

he DR Congo is the world's largest producer of cobalt. An estimated 80% of the world's cobalt reserves are located in the DRC’s copper belt, Haut Katanga and Lualaba provinces. 15 - 20% of the extraction of the raw material takes place in artisanal small-scale mining and on industrial tailings piles.


Sustainable Development of Mining in Rwanda

Country: Rwanda
Duration: 2017-2020
Client: Department for International Development (DFID)

The “Sustainable Development of Mining in Rwanda (SDMR)” programme contributed to the economically and environmentally sustainable growth of Rwanda’s mining sector.


Strengthening local content and women employability in Mali

Country: Mali
Duration: 2017-2019
Client: GIZ

Projekt-Consult is working together with international and Malian researchers and policy advisors for analysing the economic, social and environmental situation in four mining sites in Kayes and Sikasso.


Comparative study on migration and urbanization in the industrial mining sector of the DR Congo

Country: DR Congo
Duration: 2018-2019
Client: GIZ

The DR Congo is one of the most resource-rich countries in the world. However, the development of new industrial mining areas has led to an uncontrolled influx of Congolese from other regions.


Evaluation of EU-IcSP financed project on responsible mineral supply chains in conflict affected and high risk areas

Country: Global
Duration: 2019-2019
Client: EC (IcSP)

Since the 1990s, natural resources have often been associated with the financing of armed conflicts and the perpetration of serious abuses of human rights in conflict-affected and high-risk areas.


Development of governance instruments to promote an environmentally sound exploitation of raw materials (InGoRo)

Country: Germany
Duration: 2016-2019
Client: German Federal Environmental Agency (UBA)

With the InGoRo project, the German Ministry of Environment investigated and developed the appropriate governance tools that can be used to promote, establish and enforce global standards for environmentally sound mining.


Support Programme to the Environmental Protection Agency for the control and environmental monitoring of mining operations in Liberia

Country: Liberia
Duration: 2019-2019
Client: GIZ

The EPA experiences significant challenges in its capacity to carry out its missions related to the monitoring of mining projects. In addition, mining operations in Liberia are often very remote and difficult to visit.


Strategic Dialogue on Sustainable Raw Materials for Europe (STRADE)

Country: Global
Duration: 2015-2018
Client: EU Horizon 2020

Together with a group of European and South African research institutions, Projekt-Consult is implementing the Strategic Dialogue on Sustainable Raw Materials for Europe (STRADE).


Training for Civil Society Organizations in Ivory Coast on good resource governance (CSO Mining Governance School)

Country: Ivory Coast
Duration: 2017-2018
Client: GIZ

Despite recent economic successes and increasing political stability, Côte d’Ivoire remains fragile with weak governmental structures, poor oversight by responsible agencies, and limited knowledge of civil society organizations on the operations of the extractive sector.


Development of a Mauritanian Mining Strategy

Country: Mauritania
Duration: 2017-2018
Client: GIZ

Based on the strategic axes of the African Mining Vision, a multi-disciplinary team of experts from Projekt-Consult has developed a comprehensive conceptual report and operation plan for the development of national mining strategy.


Socioeconomic and Environmental Diagnosis of Small Scale Mining in Brazil

Country: Brazil
Duration: 2016-2018
Client: World Bank

Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) represents the largest share of mining operations in Brazil.


Assessment of water and energy efficiency at mining operations in Peru

Country: Peru
Duration: 2016-2017
Client: Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR)

In the Andes­­­­ - in particular for ore mining operations - which are located remotely and at high-altitudes, the continuous access to water and fuel for power generation is a prerequisite to operate.


Geological Consultancy and Capacity Building Services for Afghan Geological Survey (phase I - II)

Country: Afghanistan
Duration: 2008-2016
Client: World Bank

In collaboration with GIZ-IS Projekt-Consult supported the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum (MoMP) and the Afghan Geological Survey (AGS), an institution greatly handicapped, in exercising its tasks due to the 40 years of continuous, traumatic conflict within the country.



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