Geological Consultancy and Capacity Building Services for Afghan Geological Survey (phase I - II)
In collaboration with GIZ-IS Projekt-Consult supported the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum (MoMP) and the Afghan Geological Survey (AGS), an institution greatly handicapped, in exercising its tasks due to the 40 years of continuous, traumatic conflict within the country. The objective was to enable the MoMP and the AGS to manage the development of the country’s vast mineral resources in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner in order to bring the maximum economic and social benefits to the people of Afghanistan. This long-term project contributed to the conversion of the AGS into a market-oriented and service providing institution which is able to promote investment into the Afghan mining and quarry sector. In this regard our experts supported the AGS on a multitude of geological-technical matters e.g. geological mapping and interpretation, sampling for mineral exploration purposes, data packing for investment promotion, GIS / geo-data management, and digitalization of archived reports and maps. This general technical assistance came along with comprehensive on-the-job trainings at the AGS headquarter in Kabul but also field based in provinces.