Development of Training Modules, Training and Coaching of Trainers for ASM Cooperatives

GIZ, 2020 - 2021

The DR Congo is the world's largest producer of cobalt. An estimated 80% of the world's cobalt reserves are located in the DRC’s copper belt, Haut Katanga and Lualaba provinces. 15 - 20% of the extraction of the raw material takes place in artisanal small-scale mining (ASM) and on industrial tailings piles.

With the revision of the mining law in 2018, the DRC has manifested its will to formalize the artisanal sector. The creation of mining cooperatives is a de facto requirement for legal operation and trading according to the mining law. However, actors in ASM frequently lack the basic skills and education required to run their cooperative in accordance with present standards.

The aim of the project was to reinforce, in partnership with the relevant authorities, the capacities of cobalt mining cooperatives and their members regarding technical, financial, administrative skills and best practice standards.

Projekt-Consult has developed a training of trainers programme and course materials covering the following topics:

  1. Organizational development and good governance of a mining cooperative
  2. Due diligence, traceability, certification and transparency
  3. Communication, human rights, gender equality and children’s rights
  4. Hygiene, health and safety
  5. Environmental protection at the community level
  6. Community relations management
  7. Financial literacy and administration, basic accounting and taxation

Projekt-Consult trained staff of the competent local authority to support the ASM sector as well as civil society members in the seven technical modules as well as an action and experience based learning methodology. At the end of the project, Projekt-Consult accompanied and supported the trainers for the implementation of their first training for ASM cooperatives during a coaching phase.


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