USAID Tierra Dorada

USAID, 2023 - 2027

Tierra Dorada/Golden Land is a 20 Million USD-project issued by USAID at a time of political transition when artisanal and small mining (ASM) sector represents critical environmental and security challenges in Colombia. Chemonics and the core partners, Corporación de Centros Regionales de Sercvicios (CORCRESER), Jaime Arteaga y Asociados (JA & A), and Projekt-Consult (PRC) make the project consortium, together they bring local and international expertise that will advance USAID efforts to strengthen mining supply chains; alternative livelihood value chains; environmental processes, and regulatory, and enforcement efforts of the ASM sector.

Tierra Dorada aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote biodiversity conservation, and support livelihoods through the development and support of socially and environmentally responsible artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) activities and alternative sustainable economic opportunities. Responsible ASM and alternative sustainable economic opportunities supported by these activities also advances USAID’s efforts to strengthen governance, expand licit livelihood opportunities, and promote more competitive, sustainable, and licit economies in support of USAID/Colombia’s Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS). Tierra Dorada will achieve the goal through two objectives: 1) improve ecosystem services and conservation in areas affected by illegal and informal ASM; and 2) strengthened responsibility and lawfulness of ASM activities throughout the entire supply chain of gold and other targeted minerals.

Projekt-Consult is working on the project’s second objective and has the responsibility for all supply chain related activities. Concretely, experts from Projekt-Consult are working on the Intermediate Result (IR) 2.3 Improved Traceability of Responsibly Sourced Minerals, and IR 2.4 Increased Access to International Markets for Responsible ASM. The activities planned to be implemented throughout the 5-year length of the project from 2023 to 2027.

IR 2.3 Improved Traceability of Responsibility Sourced Minerals


  • Develop, implement, and scale a sustainable and reliable traceability system for ASM minerals using distributed ledger technology (DLT).
  • Enable the Colombian government to codify and build a reliable traceability system.
  • Conduct grand challenges or equivalent competitions to attract the best possible solution to a sustainable and reliable traceability system for ASM minerals.
  • Strengthen role of mining districts and MDSC’s (mining district service center) and empower miners in tracing minerals.
  • Provide technical assistance through MDSC’s to develop systems for increasing transparency and consistency in the mineral supply chains.
  • Strengthen the use of reliable technology-based mineral traceability systems, enabling miners to access responsible international markets.

IR 2.4 Increased Access to International Markets for Responsible ASM tasks:

  • Work with miners to adopt standards for responsible sourcing and connect miners with responsible and premium mining traders.
  • With Swiss cooperation agency and other stakeholders, increase volumes of responsible gold/minerals exported from TDA-supported miners.
  • Develop standards, incentives, or partnerships throughout the supply chain to further the sourcing/demand for responsible minerals.
  • Work with miners, associations, and traders to reach fair schemes for trading gold and minerals.
  • Work with the Colombian government and the private sector to improve ASM operators access to premium and international markets.
  • Partner with mining traders, refiners, and/or international initiatives to develop mining purchasing and traceability schemes.
  • Raise awareness about the negative impacts of illegally sourced minerals


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  • 22359 Hamburg
  • Germany
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  • 22359 Hamburg
