Environmental and Social Monitoring of artisanal and semi-industrial mines

Ivory Coast
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), 2023 - 2024

In 2015 GIZ launched the "Regional Governance of the Extractive Sector in West Africa (ReGo)" initiative in order to enhance the transparency and social and environmental responsibility of raw material supply chains in the countries of the Mano River Union. For several years, Projekt-Consult has supported the GIZ and mining oversight bodies in the program countries in the implementation of Environmental and Social Monitoring and Control (ESMC) with an emphasis on industrial projects. ESMC is a robust system that public administrations employ as a strategic tool to proactively mitigate and minimize the adverse effects on the environment and society, ensuring sustainable and responsible mining practices designed to systematically follow up on the direct, indirect, and induced environmental and social repercussions stemming from exploration, mining, and subsequent post-mining operations.

The current project seeks to assist the Ivorian authorities of three key institutions (ANDE, CIAPOL, DGMG) engaged in environmental and social aspects of ASM in Côte d'Ivoire, aligning with relevant international standards. The project's objectives encompass conducting a diagnostic/gap analysis study of the existing legal and practical framework for environmental and social auditing/registration in the mining sector. It aims to produce a simplified practical guide tailored for the artisanal and semi-industrial mining sub-sector. Additionally, the project aims to provide support to the relevant authorities in conducting at least two audits of semi-industrial and artisanal mines, facilitating training, testing the guide and checklists in practice, and refining them based on the findings. Our work also includes training operators/licensees of artisanal and semi-industrial mines in compliance requirements and audits, coupled with awareness-raising activities for civil society actors and communities.

In parallel with supporting the ASM sector, the project extends its assistance to the coordination between the oversight bodies and industrial mining operators. Our team of international and national experts supports a formerly established working group by disseminating tools and checklists, and implementing a digital database for the documentation and storage of reports and data collected during monitoring missions.


  • Eulenkrugstraße 82
  • 22359 Hamburg
  • Germany
  • Phone: +49 40 603 06 740
  • E-mail: info@projekt-consult.de
  • 22359 Hamburg
